Monday, August 7, 2017

Sumerian Plimpton 322

There is good background information on the Plimpton 322 Sumerian mud tablet in Wikipedia under Plimpton322.  The modern decimal numbers from that file were imported into an Excel worksheet and appropriate analysis was done.  It is obvious that the information on the tablet was copied from something else which had a great deal more calculations associated with it.

Also in Wikipedia under Pythagorean Triples the Euclid equation for finding random triples is provided and a proof follows.  However, this approach does not provide a specific ratio of short leg to long leg. The primary sorting routine used on the left column of the tablet is the square of the ratio of short to long legs.

Also at that same location is a plot of all Pythagorean Triples which looks to be tens of thousands at least.  The lines radiating are the result of a prime triple like 3-4-5 triangles that are multiples many thousands of time. Below is a plot of the ratios in the left column of the tablet, namely the ratio of short to long and then squared.

One can see that the order is not exactly a straight line function. However, other secondary relationships are indicative of very complex functions. One should notice that position 1-5-9-11-14-15 are very near a straight line function as the line touches the top right corner of the graph for added precision. This is a good indication that there is something more to the tablet than meets the initial look.

A simple computer program was written which examined all possible Pythagorean Triples from the smallest to those greater than the 12709-13500-18541 provided on the fourth row of the tablet. The top line triple of 119-120-169 is in the first position because the short to long ratio is a maximum for all triples between the limits. Because the low triple is so low, it reoccurs 109 times as integer multiples of the initial triple, the last one in this range having a hypotenuse of 109 x 169 = 18421 which is 120 less than the 18541.

Most of the Pythagorean Triples on Plimpton 322 tablet are prime triples.  That means they are not divisable by an integer to reach a smaller triple. An example of a non-prime would be the 45 -60-75 triangle that can be divided by 15 to become a 3-4-5 triangle. It is not obvious that the large triangles are primes but all were checked in a computer program. To check all these triangles required 5 to 10 minutes on a fast computer which is making millions of calculations in seconds.  Doing this without a computer would not be possible even with dozens of people over their entire lifetime. Perhaps most people think Plimpton 322 is just a mathematical curiosity, but the massive effort says no.

One might be tempted to think that the Sumerians had charts made over centuries for such calculations.  Keep in mind that a calculation with say a=12,709 and b=13,500` would result in numbers with 9 digits.  That many digits would require at least one inch to write and would require a chart some 1,000 feet in each direction.  Since that would not be possible one might think it would be broke into pieces, but that would take an equal amount of numbers just to create a filing system that could be practical. In short, the Plimpton 322 tablet information was not developed by the person making the tablet.

When Napoleon went to the Egyptian Giza Pyramids in the eighteenth century, he took with him several savant syndrome people for making calculations. It may be possible that some really capable person made the Plimpton 322 Pythagorean triple calculations, but seems really unlikely as that type of person was generally not inclined to take on a useful task without direction and nobody else would even know to try it. Even a savant like Daniel Tammet (brainman) who verbalized in two books about his methods, still required a minute or more for some calculations in his head. It would take 5 years at that rate to do the calculations for just one large triple.


The colored columns above are what appear on the tablet only the row column appears on the far right of the tablet. The tablet ratio of the short to the long legs is quite precise.  However, not precise enough for the computer program.  It is amazing how many “near triple” triangles there are where a “near integer” is only off by less than 0.001 unit. Note that the sum of the short legs provides a number easily converted to something very close the digits of the sun to earth average center distance. (149,598,022) in the 2000 Epoch calculations by the Astronomical Almanac Supplement. One might be tempted to think this just an accident, but it repeats in other locations.

In another portion of the Excel chart shown below, nearly the same number is produced as a ratio of the dimensionless number of perimeter squared divided by area represented by the product of the perpendicular legs.

The column marked “long” is the Excel calculation of the long leg.  Note each long leg is divisible by six. That simply has to be part of an intended design. The precise ratio of the short/long squared is the controlling order of the tablet (recalculated by the program).  The sum of the products of the perpendicular legs is divided by the square of the perimeter of all three sides.  That ratio is squared and multiplied by 80000 and divided by 15 to yield 1.495923332.  That is very similar to the 1.49593107 developed in the initial chart showing basic tablet data. The astronomical unit was defined earlier at a less precise number at 149,597,870.7. The number 1.495979856 is actually a constant defined completely separately in ancient Egypt and in quantum mechanics as the product of the six primary quantum numbers.

If the design is intended to call attention to someplace inside the sun, the numbers 149,592,333 above and 149,593,106.7 would work fine. These numbers are not that far off from an inner sphere slightly smaller than the earth and therefore well inside the solar radius of 695,700 km.
The far right column above is the ratio of the diagonal (hypotenuse) divided by the short leg. The average ratio shown at the bottom in red is very close to the Coulomb constant digits of 1.602176.  If somebody wanted to suggest we think about electrical matters, this might be a good way to do it.

Another Excel column below used the product of the two right angled legs and then divided by the hypotenuse. The sum divided by 15 gives the average (decimal shifted three) at the bottom which is the mass of hydrogen on an average basis. These published values change slightly ever few years and has been going up in recent years probably due to better accounting of the hydrogen isotop ratios.


A few years ago the mass of the earth digits was given at the exact reciprocal of 5.9742, both in kilograms. This might be a good way to call attention to earth and basic chemistry of hydrogen.
The graph below shows there is far more order to the design than is indicated in the overall initial charts above.  Clearly there are groups of triangles that relate to each other. This is not an issue of measurements or units of measure; this is hard core mathematics that apparently is of some very high importance to whoever focused on the model design.

Notice that the blue line touching the top right corner of the six red marked columns is parallel to the four green marked columns. The two curved functions indicate that there are multiple relationships going on; perhaps many more than found for this report.

One might ask why there are only 14 columns.  This is calculated using a ratio of the arctan angle developed by the ratio of the long leg divided by the short leg. The angles range from slightly over 45 degrees to slightly over 58 degrees. The first ratio at slightly over one results from the arctan (3456/3367) divided by the arctan (120/119)

The precision of the chart above is better explained with the actual precise numbers in the chart below where the color coding shows the ratios that are of the very similar equation. One must keep in mind that these are not measurements, but numbers developed by shear mathematics.  This design is of immense complexity.

  Ratio of angle      ArcTan (long/short)

The graph above is sorted by the long legs which were all divisible by 6.  Since the 13,500 leg was so large, the small triangles had to be magnified and set aside in the bottom right of the graph.

One should take note that the Sumerian written language used something shaped in a triangular shape to make some of the oldest script.  A couple millenia later Sumerian script used a triangular stylus to make the head of the marks. Perhaps there is more than a casual interest in triangles.  Certainly, whoever created this model had a passion for Pythagorean Triples.

It seems possible that the message could be pointing to “an electric sun” instead of the more widely accepted theory of a nuclear sun. It will require perhaps years for mankind to figure out what all might be said in this simple mud tablet.

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©Copyright 2017

Jim Branson, retired engineering manager, knowhow at ctcweb dot net



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